
July 15, 2019


If you are a parent heading back to work after having kids, you are not alone. According to a Pew Research Center report, 17 percent of US households have a mom working at least part time, and 46 percent of U.S. households include two full-time working parents, and that leaves children who need care, most of them outside of the home environment.

On top of that, the distressing feelings that encompass leaving your child range from emotions of anxiety to fear, sadness, trepidation and guilt. Unfortunately, on an all too common basis, school shootings and child abductions get major news coverage and send parents and childcare providers scrambling to ensure their children are safe. While the likelihood of a childcare center being the target of an active shooter is relatively slim, it’s easy to imagine a facility dealing with a contentious custody dispute between two parents.

The National Center for Abused and Exploited Children estimates 203,000 children are kidnapped every year by family members. Seven percent of those children are taken from their school or childcare center and these are alarming situations that providers need to plan for and parents need to make sure are in place to ensure the safety of their child.

Childcare providers are legally responsible for the children in their care so strong security is a must-have at any facility to ensure that all possible precautions are taken to protect a child’s well-being.

One Source Security prides itself on protecting our most precious assets – children. We have been designing, installing and servicing schools and other education entities for many years with superior success.

Childcare licensing rules vary from state to state and many do not include any specific security requirements, so choosing the right facility for the safety of your child is an utmost concern for peace of mind.

Some of the child care-specific security measures we provide for licensed daycare facilities include:

•Access Control, including ID / Badging / Key Fob access – from design to creation; Prevent unwanted visitors from entering - even the vestibule, track who went where and when, integrate with time/attendance software; Keypad security is an excellent option for large centers, requiring each family member or person to have a unique code or simply their fingerprint. If someone is legally prohibited from picking up a child, their code, fingerprint, card or fob access can be completely removed from the system and they won’t get past any entry.

•Video Intercom – Providers can identify visitors before they have access to an entry door

•Chime indication when a child exits a door

  • Video Surveillance – Remote Video Monitoring (view your center from any location, including on your phone), upgrade to IP & Megapixel Technology, integrate with Access Control
  • Panic Notification – Press of one button immediately alerts police
  • Emergency Lock Down Systems – Lock all doors immediately with the swipe of one card
  • Universal locks that lock from the inside requiring staff to buzz parents into the center
  • Smash resistan film for glass
  • Locksmith Services – Bolster doors, frames and door hardware, Energy/Safety audit on doors, fire exit safety, ADA improvements
  • Environmental Monitoring – Carbon Monoxide and Flood Detection, Hi/Low Temperature Monitoring

So, when choosing where your most precious asset will spend the day, consider these precautions to ensure their utmost safety and allow you some peace of mind. One Source will help assess your risks, needs and possible security weaknesses before we design your system. We are an advisor and will offer preventive advice, so you can avoid many potential problems altogether. We customize each system to suit the end-user’s specific needs.

Call us today for a free assessment at 603-645-5969 or email us at


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